text performance

By Patricia Tomaszek, 16 March, 2012
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
37. 4
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Pull Quotes

Each reading of a hypertext is a single performance of the text, not an act of simply filling in the emotions or shading in a little angst here and there, but of creating meaningful sequences and coherent narratives.

"I wanted to write a book that would change every time you read it." (Michael Joyce, personal conversation)

Creative Works referenced
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Description (in English)

Oracle is a voice recognition and interpretive grammar based interactive performance artwork. The performer's speech, a series of questions posed by the audience, is acquired and presented in a digital projection. The computer system reads the acquired and collective texts, as they are layered upon one another, and generates answers to each question using a word from each of the prior questions.

Technical notes

Oracle requires a Intel based Mac pro computer, video projection and a speech recognition optimised microphone. The software was mainly authored by the artist but also requires Macspeech Dictate to be installed.