Authoring Software

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Abstract (in English)

Authoring Software is a collection of information about new media authoring tools; statements about their work by writers and software creators; and information about conferences, resources, and programs by and for the electronic literature community, Authoring Software is a website-based learning environment for: teachers and students of new media writing who want to explore various authoring environments; new media writers and poets, who are interested in how their peers approach their work; and readers, who want to understand how new media writers and poets create their work. The project currently contains documentation of work by new media writers, text artists, and story-tellers from all over the World, including New York, Chicago, Colorado, California, Oregon, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington State, Maryland, rural Ohio, rural Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Spain, and Switzerland. From many countries, from rural and small town areas, as well as from urban and suburban areas, Featured software includes commercial applications such as Flash and Dreamweaver; applications created for the hypertext and educational community such as Storyspace and Literatronica; and artist-developed software, such as Fox Harrell's GRIOT System, Snapdragon, created in Caitlin Fisher's AR Lab at York University, and Eugenio Tisselli's MidiPoet.

Abstract (in original language)

A resource for teachers and students of new media writing, who are exploring what authoring tools to use, for new media writers and poets, who are interested in how their colleagues approach their work, and for readers, who want to understand how new media writers and poets create their work, the Authoring Software project is an ongoing collection of statements about authoring tools and software. It also looks at the relationship between interface and content in new media writing and at how the innovative use of authoring tools and the creation of new authoring tools have expanded digital writing/hypertext writing/net narrative practice.