
By Scott Rettberg, 3 December, 2015
Year initiated
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The literary hypertext authoring system known as Literatronica was developed by Juan B Gutierrez. Instead of relying solely on static hypertext links (for the system allows these as well), it uses an AI engine to recommend the best next pages based on what readers have already read. Literatronica radically revises the 1990s notions of literary hypertext as Modernist collage to the "original" notions of Arpanet as document sharing, where speed of access was put before what Espen Aarseth calls the aporia of links. In short, he asks, is nonlinearity and disruption inherent to the medium?

The system addresses several of the major classic problems found with hypertext, namely, the problems of:

1. Readers knowing how much of a text has been read.

2. Readers encountering repeated pages without artistic effect.

3. Readers getting lost and not finding their way through the text.

4. Writers struggling to maintain large systems of static links.

(Source: Wikipedia