Andreas Zingerle is a media artist from Austria. He is a PhD candidate at the university of Art and Design, Linz (Austria). He is researching scam communities, vigilante counter-movements and implements their strategies in interactive narratives, artistic installations and creative media competence trainings. In 2009 he graduated from the Interface Cultures department. In the last years he worked on several installations exploring a creative misuse of technology, issues of cyber-security and alternative ways of Human Computer Interaction. Since 2004 he takes part in international conferences and exhibitions, among others Ars Electronica Campus, Siggraph, Japan Media Arts Festival, File, WRO Biennale. Together with his partner Linda Kronman they started an artistic collaboration called
Research interest:
Interactive Narratives, Hypertext fiction, Cyber-security, Interaction Design, Human Computer Interaction.
Artist in Residence Programs:
– NKA Foundation, Kumasi/Ghana.
– Redgate Gallery, Beijing/China.
– National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul/Korea.
– Subnet, Salzburg/Austria.
(Source: Author's Website: