
Content type

Centre de diffusion d’art multidisciplinaire de Montréal

Record Status
Short description

DARE-DARE is an artist-run centre which has about 100 members. Since its inception in 1985, the centre presented the work of more than 1000 artists.

DARE-DARE supports research and valorises emerging practices. Its members are interested in the context of creation and answer the need of exchange and collaboration. DARE-DARE is a flexible, open space devoted to research, experimentation, risk and critical inquiry. The artist-run center manifests a sustained interest in exploration and in the diversity in the modes of presentation.

Therefore, DARE-DARE accepts innovative, original and critical propositions, which invest the gallery’s space, the urban space or any other context. Submit any proposal of exhibition, performance, public intervention, event, etc., may they be specific or of variable duration.

(Source: Organization's website.)