Cynthia Breazeal is an Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she founded and directs the Personal Robots Group (formerly the Robotic Life Group) at the Media Lab. She is a also co-director of the Center for Future Storytelling, applying social robot technologies for interactive storytelling. She is a pioneer of Social Robotics and Human Robot Interaction (HRI). She received her Sc.D in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2000.. Ongoing research includes the development of socially intelligent robot partners that interact with humans in human-centric terms, work with humans as peers, and learn from people as an apprentice. Other projects have explored how HRI can be applied to enhance human behavior as applied to motor learning and cognitive performance. The ability of these robot systems to naturally interact, learn from, and effectively cooperate with people has been evaluated in numerous human subjects experiments. More recent work investigates the impact of long-term HRI applied to communication, quality of life, health, and educational goals(Source: Author).
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