Anja Pratschke

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Short biography

Anja Pratschke, born in 1964, German Architect and Researcher lives in Brazil since 1991, studied architecture in the Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble, France, did her master of architecture about the configuration of voids in the Department of Architecture, University of São Paulo, and did her PhD in Computer Science at the Institut of Mathematics and Computer Science in the University of São Paulo about the use of mnemo-structures as architectural methods to construct virtual spaces. Since 2001 she works as a teacher and full-time researcher in the Department of Architecture and Urbanisme of the University of São Paulo where she teaches architecture and new media, architectural processes and collaborative work and coordinates a education laboratory for computing []; since 2001 she is co-coordinating the research group Nomads [], where her research projects are based on Design of Knowledge Spaces, Digital Inclusion, Cooperative Work through new midia, Ubiquitous computing, Digital Art and History and Mixed Reality Applications.

(Source: author)

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