Maria Engberg holds a Ph.D. in English from Uppsala University. At present she is Senior Lecturer at Malmö University and Research Affiliate at the Augmented Environments Lab at Georgia Institute of Technology (US). Prior to this, she was Universitetslektor(Associate Professor) at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). Engberg’s research focuses on digital media theory and practice, media theory, locative media, media aesthetics, digital culture, contemporary experimental literature, visual culture, and the impact of digital technologies on literature and culture with particular focus on digital literature. She also design digital media experiences with particular focus on mixed reality and mobile media. Currently she works on two major AR narrative projects with Jay David Bolter and Michael Joyce.
Her doctoral dissertation on digital poetry, "Born Digital: Writing Poetry in the Age of New Media" (2007) investigated the impact of digital technology on the creation, dissemination, and reception of poetry. She teaches media studies, writing, and digital culture at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola in Sweden. Engberg is currently working on a book on digital culture, titled Polyaesthetics: Experiencing Digital Cultures. Engberg is a Fulbright alumnus (2003-2004) and has received support for her research from foundations including the Birgit and Gad Rausing Foundation for Humanistic Research and the Wenner-Gren Foundations.
Engberg is a member of the editorial group of the Electronic Literature Directory, and a Principal Investigator of the ELMCIP project.