Matteo D’Ambrosio is Professor of History of Literary Criticism at the University of Naples Federico II. Semiotician and avant-garde historian, he has studied at Harvard University (as Fulbright Fellow); Yale University; Getty Research Institute (as Visiting Scholar), and he has been Visiting Professor of Literary Semiotics at the PUC of São Paulo. As a member of the Ministerial committee for the centenary of Futurism, between 2009 and 2011 he has participated in various symposia and events (Helsinki, Stuttgart, Tirana, Nice, Chambéry, Grenoble, Milan, Rome, Capri, Ferrara, Naples, Florence…). After six volumes on the relationships between the Futurist movement and Neapolitan culture (1990-1996), he has published Futurismo e altre avanguardie (1999); Le “Commemorazioni in Avanti” di F. T. Marinetti. Futurismo e critica letteraria (1999); Roman Jakobson e il Futurismo italiano (2009).
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