Patricia Gouveia has a doctoral thesis in Communication Sciences, Interactive Media Studies and Digital Games, a postgraduate in Sound and Image, Digital Arts, and a degree in Fine Arts, Painting. Patricia works in New Media Arts and Design since the middle of the 90’s and participates in media exhibitions and festivals in Portugal and abroad. She is assistant professor at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias in Lisbon and researcher at MOVLAB (Motion Capture Lab) and CICANT (Centre for Applied Research and New Technologies) of the same University. The main focus of her research is based on playable media, interactive fiction and digital arts as a place of convergence between cinema, music, games, arts and design. She is editor of Mouseland Blog since 2006. In 2010, Patricia published her first book, Artes e Jogos Digitais, Estética e Design da Experiência Lúdica [Digital Arts and Games, Aesthetics and Design of Ludic Experience (ed. Universitárias Lusófonas)], a synthesis from her doctoral thesis and some articles she published.
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