I work as artist and academic. My art is about telling political stories which engage with current issues and forces affecting our lives.
I focus on participation and community, collaboration, political empowerment, challenging control and hierarchies of authorship.
My work is usually in the form of stories and drawings. I mix news, social and political issues, social injustices, with personal experience, views and observations. I make drawings and cartoons, journalism, satire, social realism, documentary.
Many of my works are digital, programmed, networked, net art, exploring the participatory aspects of networked and emerging technologies.
I experiment with (and teach) interactive stories in all their forms - interactive fictions, networked stories, collaborative stories, generative.
I am interested in the aesthetics of protest, political art, art as a political tool, the overlap of art and technology, interventions, tactical media.
I have recently worked with Augmented Reality. From 2012-13 I was a Research Fellow at the University of Bedfordshire, on the UNESCO project 'Crossing Media Boundaries: Adaptations and New Media Forms of the Book'. Here I created two experimental books, exploring the future of the book and Augmented Reality.
(Source: http://davemiller.org)