Bessie Wapp

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Nelson BC

Short biography

Bessie Wapp grew up in Nelson and returned to live there six years ago, bringing many years of professional practice as a theatre artist, costume designer and musician. She has initiated, directed and produced both large-scale site-specific works and community-engaged works. From 1990 to 1998 Bessie worked with Vancouver’s Public Dreams, contributing to their signature outdoor events. In 1993 Bessie became a Co-Artistic Director of Mortal Coil Performance Society, a Vancouver group specializing in stilting, international TYA touring, at-risk youth stilt performance (Ultimate High), and site-specific work – including the company’s annual Ghost Train Halloween performance which Bessie directed for 4 years. Bessie’s site-specific performance work climaxed in 2008 with Letters from Lithuania, a family history epic with a cast & crew of 30+, set in Stanley Park and utilizing the Stanley Park Train. Upon returning to Nelson, Bessie was thrilled to discover & partner with the Oxygen Art Centre to create original performance (Loco Phantasmo / Hello, I Must Be Going), produce community-engaged ritual (FLAME) and teach community classes.


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