Traces of the trAce Online Writing Centre 1995-2005

By Patricia Tomaszek, 21 January, 2012
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Abstract (in English)

This text serves as an annotated archive with links to various media that give account to the accomplishments of the trAce Online Writing Centre: "Between 1995 and 2005 the trAce Online Writing Centre hosted and indeed fostered a complex media ecology: an ever-expanding web site, an active web forum, a local and and international network of people, a host of virtual collaborations and artist-in-residencies, a body of commissioned artworks, the trAce/Alt-X International Hypertext Competition, the Incubation conference series, and frAme, the trAce Journal of Culture and Technology. What emerged was one of the web’s earliest and most influential international creative communities."

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My aim here is to draw attention to the vast and varied remains of the trAce Online Writing Centre, which have been collected together in a unique archive containing a large, diverse and search-able collection of work published between 1995 and 2005.

Organization referenced