
By Patricia Tomaszek, 28 October, 2013
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Abstract (in English)

The paper will present a percepto-cognitive theory of e-poetry. This theory uses a non-ontologic approach of literature in which the concept of "text" cannot be defined independendly from the mind representation for the system. This conception, named "theorie du texte lié à une profondeur" (theory of text linked to a deep) will be present. In this theory, the main concepts are the mind representation of the system, named the "profondeur de dispositif" (system-deep), and the set of elements which can be perceived as a classical text. This set is named the "texte-à-voir" (text-to-be-seen). The system-deep which seems to govern the real behaviour of the system in e-literature is named the procedural archetype. The paper will present the main caracteristic features of it, specially the particular position of the reader. The most important features relative to the reading are the "double reading" and the "aesthetics of frustration": to construct the sense of a work, the reader "has to read his reading", even if the work is non-interactive. This particularity is named "double reading". The aesthetics of frustration consist to use a classical archetype, uncompatible with the real behaviour of the system. It is a strategy of writing: The author supposes that the reader uses this classical archetype. Reading can fail, and this failure is a part of the work. This is why this strategy is named the aesthetics of frustration. In fact, reading does not fail when the reader uses the procedural system-deep. This strategy needs the double-reading to sublimate a failure of reading. Several examples by authors published in "alire" or "KAOS" will ilustrate these points.

Source: Author's Abstract

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