Mapping Spanish E-lit, networks, Readings and Communities

By Laura Sánchez Gómez, 11 June, 2019
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This intervention will focus on the circulation of digital literature in the Spanishspeaking context, from a distant reading perspective, analyzing digital literature as information, and its pieces as global artifacts in circulation. The aim is to discover how local processes co-exist and dialogue in a global network that is changing the way that texts are distributed and accessed, and it is modifying the very essence of texts themselves.

I am interested in whether e-lit in Spanish can be “understandable” at a globallevel due to the fact that its works have, in theory, an “unlimited” reach in terms of distribution and reception. Digital literature deals with the globalizing agents of the technological medium itself and of its system of circulation, as well as its technical, linguistic and cultural possibilities. We cannot forget that digital inequality is real, and that it has effects both at the level of production and at the level of reception. We will address if the Spanish language creates a homogeneous community of readers and if Spanish is a good unifying agent for the readers of digital literature. Around what affections and sensibilities have virtual communities of digital literature readers grown up, around what themes, genres, or specific digital creations? Are digital libraries or repositories responsible for creating culturally active reading communities? AreSpanish virtual communities of readers numerous and heterogeneous or, on thecontrary, are they concentrated in large uniform groupings? We will explore in what way the virtual space of Spanish e-lit circulation affect the physical and ubiquitous space with which it overlaps, the “real” territory. As well as if they are intertwined and how they affect each other.