By Jill Walker Rettberg, 15 October, 2011 Author Jill Walker Rettberg Publication Type Book (M.A. Thesis) Language English Year 1998 University University of Bergen URL Hypertextual Criticism: Comparative Readings of Three Web Hypertexts About Lite… License CC Attribution Share Alike Record Status Incomplete record (stub) Tags hypertext non-fiction Abstract (in English) Master's thesis that analyses three hypertextual nonfictions. Creative Works referenced Socrates in the Labyrinth Critical Writing referenced E-Literacies: Politexts, Hypertexts, and Other Cultural Formations in the Late Age of Print As We May Think Rhetorics of the Web: Hyperreading and Critical Literacy Patterns of Hypertext Hypertext: The Electronic Labyrinth Nostalgic Angels: Reconfiguring Hypertext Writing The Electronic Word: Literary Study and the Digital Revolution