The z dimension in this work is important to the conceptual as well
as the physical operation of the work. Normally, I am not so much
concerned beyond the xy. My work is first graphic, then literary,
interactive, and whatever else, so a concern beyond 2D is not high
priority – until now, and with thanks in part to Rita Raley’s z
The idea of 'versus' (as opposition) demands at the
least two sides, so, it could be represented visually with just xy.
Previous 'dual' examples (and these are xy representations): Subject: dialog
Email from John Cayley (/w Rita Raley), 2004 Dialog
Email exchange with visual poet Jim Andrews, 1997
So, thinking along that z line... the opposition
comes not from the left or right, but from back to front ( 1 white from
9 x white moves to top )
layer structure (top/front to bottom/rear):
top (white)
9 x variable gray/black (opposite source to below)
9 x white (may be TLT source or LL source)
gray 'page'
The idea of the 'versus' taking the form of 'rising'
(coming to top/front) rather than 'pushing' (as it were) from
left/right -- this is a new way of thinking about it (opposition) for
me... thinking on z vs xy axis(!) This opens new conceptual
possibilities that I will continue to explore in future.