Tatuaje is a born-digital short story, created in a lab carried out at Centro de Cultura Digital in Mexico City. The development, design, writing, and programming of this transmedial short story is thanks to a great team of writers, illustrators, designers, and engineers. Tatuaje is a work designed specifically for digital platforms, interweaving myths emerged and disseminated on the Web. The design refers to 90s web design, a graphic aesthetic only present on the Internet. The work itself turns the media into its own language.
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CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
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Description (in English)
Description (in original language)
TATUAJE es una novela que explora diversos formatos y posibilidades narrativas. Un experimento, un sueño, un relato policiaco expandido, un conglomerado de mitos urbanos que circulan en la red, una sociedad secreta. Tatuaje conjunta lenguajes: literario, visual, de programación y sonoro. Palimpsesto cibernético, contiene un relato dentro de otro relato dentro de otro relato. Somos los sueños de quienes soñamos, los gestos corporales, los nuevos alfabetos.
Description in original language
Screen shots