Start at the End: a Hypertext Fiction

Description (in English)

This CD-based hypertext fiction is described as a tragedy, using words, music and images to "evoke three virtual spaces: the psychic space of memory, the public space of an internet mailing list (called Undertow) and the private space of a mail exchange between two people that are spearated by an ocean, a gender and a language." (from the blurb on the back of the CD).

It is only available on CD-ROM and unfortunately the CD-ROM this ELMCIP contributor can access is faulty and most files will not show.

Screen shots
Contributors note

Philipp Hofmann is listed as resposible for layout and programming. No author name is given on the CD, but the journal Entropic Empire, which is the publisher, appears to include writing mostly  by Hofmann, so he is probably the author as well.