Snapchat elit

Description (in English)

Can a snapchat story also be electronic literature? I’m fourteen years old and I think so. Micro-video sharing apps constitute new ways to share our lives and new ways to circulate fiction, documentary works and poetry. The storytelling itself may be linear, but these are born-digital, aphoristic, networked and experimental. A snapchat story can selectively document a day, but it can also force a fictional piece into a highly constrained form. Finally, Snapchat is built on the idea of ephemerality—a Snapchat story is designed to vanish in 24 hours. For the Festival I propose one of two things—either a snapchat story captured on video that can be shared via computer or phone or, a true Snapchat story, available only for a 24 hour period during the Festival.

(Source: Description from ELO 2017: Book of Abstracts and Catalogs)

Description in original language
Screen shots