
Description (in English)

"Opuscula" is a different interactive electronic poem which you may explore in several ways. Inside the poem you will find four different poems with various nodes of connections to each other: An interactive poem, a ParaPoem, and two poems to be read in linear form. The interactive Poem is an animated sequence of moving and floating words illustrated by graphical effects on the screen. You as the reader will interact with the poem, by clicking on words as they appear on the screen through your reading. When you click these words and lines, random text lines conceptually connected to the word/line you clicked will be sent to create your own poem, the ParaPoem, in a transparent field at the bottom of the screen. These lines are also links which (dependent on the meaning of the line) randomly may take you to a stanza belonging to one of the two linear poems (behind the interactive and the ParaPoem's interface), to a quote, or to a word definition which all will give new meaning to the link you clicked and the poems you read. The Parapoem will be different each time you create it and can be read alone, or as a part of the other poems.

(Source: DAC 1999 Author's abstract)