"A stunning new collection of stories by a master fictionist, Once Human shows the ways to go beyond standard maps of simple understanding. A manga artist who is afraid that she herself is slipping into a cartoon version of life, a lab technician who makes art with the cloning technology she uses at work, a sociologist hunting for the gene that makes some people want to take risks--these are some of the characters that populate the stories in Once Human. Exploring the spaces where life is shaped by science and the technologies we bring into being, Steve Tomasula's characters often find that the harder they look at the world, the less they can say. The map that emerges from these stories charts the territory of human longing and the failure of poetry, science, and technology to explain the "why" of the world, if not its "how."
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WorldCat Permalink
9781573661768 1573661767
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Description (in English)