First Draft of the Revolution

Description (in English)

Emily Short’s First Draft of the Revolution, designed and coded by Liza Daly, is an experiment with advancing the form of interactive fiction while pushing forward its cross platform accessibility (the work is built in HTML5 and has been ported to EPUB3, an open ebook format). The work invites the reader to engage in the act of writing, creating a metafiction that invites us to contemplate the very act of letter-writing and correspondence, and what the process of editing reveals and conceals. The work is essentially an interactive epistolary novel, drawing on an era when letter-writing was an act of contemplation rather than haste. We learn about the two characters (Juliette and Henry) as we get inside their heads and dictate the seemingly mundane details of their correspondence. (Source: ELC 3)

Pull Quotes

invites the reader to engage in the act of writing, creating a metafiction that invites us to contemplate the very act of letter-writing and correspondence, and what the process of editing reveals and conceals.

The work is essentially an interactive epistolary novel, drawing on an era when letter-writing was an act of contemplation rather than haste.

Screen shots
First Draft of the Revolution
First Draft of the Revolution Banner
Technical notes

XML, HTML, JQuery, Javascript

Contributors note

the game company inkle worked on the graphical design and packaging.