Issue of a journal

By Scott Rettberg, 15 October, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This issue of Performance Research will enfold an understanding of digital text within the context of performance studies, ordinary language philosophy and speech act theory, integrational linguistics, the performance of self and gender, and performance writing. In other words, we will be looking at the different modes of performance as they are manifest across the whole digital apparatus (dispositif). This includes machinic performance, the performance of codes and scripting, the performativity of language itself on the screen, the semiotics of the click, interactivity between digital language and the body, and how digital texts ‘perform’ us as social beings.

(Source: Description from Performance Research website)

By Alvaro Seica, 27 August, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

States that new media poetry integrates characteristics of the new media in the theoretical basis of its poetics. Outlines its basis and shows how it affects poetic and verbal conventions, particularly with respect to the constitution of texts and the roles of author and reader, and with regard to its implications for views on language. (Source: Eric database)

By Cheryl Ball, 21 August, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This issue's CoverWeb explores the use of hypertext fiction and poetry, both as textual resources and as creative exercises in the classroom.

Database or Archive reference
Creative Works referenced
Critical Writing referenced
By Patricia Tomaszek, 2 July, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
5 (2013)
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The impact of hypertext and hypermedia on scholarly editing of our literary legacy, which is increasingly published in electronic formats, has fostered a conceptual shift from the archive as a classified hierarchical collection of texts to the archive as a decentred and reconfigurable network of texts. Another important set of questions concerns new methods for editing and organizing multimodal textualities resulting from combinations of materials and media (graphic, audio, video, digital). The convergent multimodality of digital textuality opens up a new editing and archival space for multimedia and intermedia forms of writing. In the current technological context, innovative and experimental literary forms become relevant, as many of the operations that the machine provides can be found in previous literary practices: from collages and automatic writing to narrative permutations and intermedia poetry. This issue of the journal addresses problems of representing, archiving, and publishing experimental literary forms in digital spaces. The fifth volume of Cibertextualidades includes research papers about processes and methods for representation, preservation, and dissemination of intermedia and multimedia literary practices using digital archival systems.

Source: excerpt from editorial