Book (collection)

By Scott Rettberg, 17 October, 2013
Publication Type
ISBN 978-82-999089-3-1
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Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The ELMCIP final report, including reflective essays by each of the principal investigators of the Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice project, based on their individual projects within the collaborative research project.

The book is available for purchase on West Virginia University Press webpage as well as several online bookshops.

Database or Archive reference
By Patricia Tomaszek, 11 October, 2013
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The term "new media" is a current buzzword among scholars and in the media industry, referring to the ever-multiplying digitized modes of film/image and sound production and distribution. Yet how new, in fact, are these new media, and how does their rise affect the role of older media? What new theories allow us to examine our culture of ubiquitous electronic screens and networked pleasures? Is a completely new set of perspectives, concepts, and paradigms required, or are older modes of discussion about the relationship between technology and art still adequate? This book reconsiders the seminal work of German media theorists such as Adorno, Benjamin, and Kracauer in order to explore today's rapidly changing mediascape, questioning the naive progressivism that informs much of today's discourse about media technologies. The contributions, by internationally-recognized critics from a variety of academic fields, encourage a view of the history of media as structured by difference, complexity, and multiplicity. Together, they offer intriguing ways of understanding the changed position of media in today's Germany and beyond. Contributors: Nora M. Alter, Michel Chaouli, Diedrich Diederichsen, Sabine Eckmann, Margit Grieb, Boris Groys, Juliet Koss, Richard Langston, Lev Manovich, Todd Presner, Juliane Rebentisch, Carsten Strathausen. Lutz Koepnick is Professor of German, Film and Media Studies, and Erin McGlothlin is Associate Professor of German and Jewish Studies, both at Washington University in St. Louis.

Source: Publisher's Peritext

By Patricia Tomaszek, 30 September, 2013
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Litteraturen har i alla tider varit beroende av ett medium för att kunna skapas, spridas och läsas. Detta har blivit särskilt tydligt i och med uppkomsten av internet, som i dag är en allt viktigare plats för litteratur och berättande. I Litteraturens nätverk vill författarna undersöka hur tidigare till synes självklara begrepp som läsare, författare, text och berättelse är under (om)förhandling på nätet. I fokus står allt från författarbloggar, fan fiction, digitaliserad litteratur och litteraturkritik, till poesicommunities, onlinebekännelser, digitala minnesberättelser, hyperbiografier och digital aktivism. Tillsammans ger bokens kapitel en mängd ingångar till det nya och spännande fält som rör litteratur och berättande på internet. Litteraturens nätverk vänder sig främst till studenter i litteraturvetenskap, kulturvetenskap samt medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid universitet och högskolor, men även till andra litteratur- och medieintresserade.

Source. Book's Abstract