
Short description

In a world that draws our attention to the present moment, both facts and stories are now subject to fluctuations, whether fictional or virtual. What if we started inventing the truths we desired, to the detriment of genuine facts? What kinds of worlds would this create?Uchronia | What if? offers a collection artworks that create uncommon, digital versions of the world and of history. They create speculative futures, revisiting history by exploring new approaches to political and social impasses; exploiting a dystopian internet and alternative networks; confronting multiple experiences of time, both human and machine-based.For ELO 2018, curator Lisa Tronca presents a selection of Uchronia | What if? artists, some exhibiting their work for the first time in Montreal. By proposing different modes of reception of hypermedia works, this exhibition questions the gaps and connections between physical and virtual worlds.

(source: information from the schedule) 

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Short description

Attention à la marche! Mind the Gap! questions the place of electronic literature in a digital culture. Present since the 1980s, electronic literary practices must now adapt and renew themselves in light of the proliferation and massive use of digital devices in our lives. How do they make us think about literature in its broadest sense and its current occurrences? What forms do they take in public and urban spaces? How do they articulate our relationships to the body, to culture, to our representations of ourselves and the world?


Attention à la marche! Mind the Gap! exploits the multiple gaps that can arise between technologies, practices and their contexts. Bringing together some fifty works produced by pioneers and emerging artists, the exhibition offers a diversified panorama of electronic literature practices, at the crossroads of literature and computer science. In these works, the text is protean: it becomes matter, it is animated, spatialized, declaimed, intertwined with images and gives itself, in its more classical expression, in the form of statements, translated into different human and computer languages.

Description in original language
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Bristol’s arts house
16 Narrow Quay
United Kingdom

UWE Bristol - Bower Ashton Studios - City Campus
Kennel Lodge Rd
United Kingdom

Spike Island
33 Cumberland Road
United Kingdom

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