
Short description

The ELO (Electronic Literature organization) organized its 2017 Conference, Festi-val and Exhibits, from July 18-22, at University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, as well as several other venues located in the center of the historic city of Porto, Portugal.

Titled Electronic  Literature:  Affiliations,  Communities,  Translations,  ELO’17  proposes  a  reflection  about  dialogues  and  untold  histories  of  electronic  literature,  providing a space for discussion about what exchanges, negotiations, and movements we can track in the field of electronic literature.

The  three  threads  (Affiliations,  Communities,  Translations)  weave  through  the Conference,  Festival  and  Exhibits,  structuring  dialogue,  debate,  performances, presentations, and exhibits. The threads are meant as provocations, enabling constraints, and aim at forming a diagram of electronic literature today and expanding awareness of the history and diversity of the field.

Our goal is to contribute to displacing and re-situating accepted views and histories of electronic literature, in order to construct a larger and more expansive field, to map discontinuous textual relations across histories and forms, and to create productive and poetic apparatuses from unexpected combinations.

(Source: Introduction Book of Abstracts and Catalogs)

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Event type
Individual Organizers

National University of Ireland

Short description

Welcome to the official home page of Other Codes / Cóid Eile –  Digital Literatures in Context. This two-day event is the first Galway Digital Cultures Initiative conference, and will take place at the National University of Ireland, Galway, 11-12 May 2017. The conference is hosted by the Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies.

The event focuses on the various contexts for the production, dissemination and reception of digital literature in its different forms, as well as the cultural, national, geographical and institutional settings within which digital literary practice takes place. How do the transnational, technological and aesthetic aspects of digital literature manifest themselves in specific works, at particular historical moments? How do global networks adapt to local circumstances? How do new and experimental forms of literary and artistic expression challenge or accommodate national traditions and canons? What is the relationship between individual talents, literary communities and institutional frameworks in the new media environments of the twenty-first century?

The conference is funded by the Irish Research Council and the European Commission via Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

Logo design: Talan Memmott

(Source: Conference website)

Record Status
Event type
Individual Organizers

Universite Grenoble Alpes
1221 Avenue Centrale
38400 Grenoble

Short description

The conference seeks to examine how digital teaching resources and e-literary works may change the configuration and the approaches of studying / teaching literature.

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