Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge

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Bowling Green State University, Department of English
Bowling Green, OH 43403
United States

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Short decription

Independent peer-reviewed online journal founded at Bowling Green State University, Department of English, Ohio. Rhizomes oppose the idea that knowledge must grow in a tree structure from previously accepted ideas. New thinking need not follow established patterns. Rhizomes promotes experimental work located outside current disciplines, work that has no proper location. As our name suggests, works written in the spirit of Deleuzian approaches are welcomed but not required. We are not interested in publishing texts that establish their authority merely by affirming what is already believed. Instead, we encourage migrations into new conceptual territories resulting from unpredictable juxtapositions. Editor Ellen E. Berry, Bowling Green State University Reviews Editor Craig Saper, University of Maryland Baltimore County Technical Editor Helen J Burgess, University of Maryland Baltimore County Source: journal's manifesto