Katie Schaag

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Short biography

Katie Schaag, PhD, is a scholar, artist, writer, curator, and educator. She is currently a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech. She was previously a Mendota Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the English Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a 2017 Humanities Without Walls National Fellow. She has collaborated with the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison Public Library, UW Arts Institute, and UW Center for the Humanities to curate and orchestrate grant-funded public arts and humanities symposia, workshops, talks, and performances. She earned her PhD in English Literature at UW-Madison, with a specialization in Performance Studies and Visual Cultures and a minor in Fine Art and Creative Writing. As a consultant at UW Design Lab, a transmedia storytelling center dedicated to democratizing digitality, she developed curricular materials for emerging “smart media” genres such as visual essays, podcasts, and presentations. She co-founded the A. W. Mellon Art + Scholarship Workshop and the Madison Performance Philosophy Collective, and co-curated a series of Theory-Practice Collaboratories and Mad Theory symposia. As a multimedia artist, she exhibits and performs nationally and internationally, and teaches public workshops on performance, creative writing, and art as activism.

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