Angeliki Malakasioti

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Short biography

Angeliki Malakasioti is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher, and Assistant Professor at the Department of Audio & Visual Arts, Ionian University. She has studied architecture in the Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. She has received her Doctoral Thesis "Anatomy of the Digital Body - Spatial Aspects of the Self and the Immaterial on the Web" with honors and she has recently completed a post-doctorate research on the "Architecture of Melancholy - the Case of Video Games". Her interests emphasize on the fields of digital image and composition, cyberspatial experience, new technologies and digital media, audiovisual representations, speculative design and creative methodologies, digital culture and its theoretical dimensions. She has multiple international publications, she has participated in international conferences, art and film festivals and exhibitions, and she has received prizes of experimental film making, photography and "art as research" contributions. She has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses since 2009 in different Universities in the fields of Architecture, Digital Media, Atmospheres and Audiovisual Arts.

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