Close Reading Electronic Literature: A Case Study of William Poundstone’s “Project for the Tachistoscope: [Bottomless Pit]“

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 23 January, 2013
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

AS OF JANUARY 2012, THIS BOOK IS NOT YET PUBLISHED. This book presents a case study for developing digital humanities methods of literary interpretation by close reading a born-digital literary work from three radically different methodological perspectives. I read the onscreen aesthetics, Mark Marino practices Critical Code Studies and analyzes the programming code, and Jeremy Douglass uses cultural analytics to show how data-visualizations stimulate literary interpretations. Together we collaborate in scholarly hermeneutics, weaving our interconnected questions into shared understanding while arguing that such transdisciplinary approaches provide the multiple perspectives necessary to illuminate digital poetics. (Source: Jessica Pressman's website)

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